February 12, 2024
In WoW Classic Season of Discovery phase two, the Intervene rune for Warriors is a valuable tool for tanks. This rune allows Warriors to charge towards an ally and intercept incoming melee or ranged attacks. Additionally, it reduces the threat generated by the target ally, making the Warrior an even more reliable tank.
To obtain the Intervene rune in WoW SoD phase two, head to Thousand Needles. At coordinates [68, 90], near the Silithid-infested Rustmaul Dig Site in the southwest corner of the Shimmering Flats, you will find three target dummies. Each dummy has a statue behind it, holding a specific weapon.
To obtain the Intervene rune, follow these steps:
By casting these three spells with the necessary weapons on the correct dummies in the right order, a chest will appear nearby. Loot the chest to obtain the Intervene rune.
The Intervene rune is a must-have for Warriors looking to excel as tanks in WoW Classic Season of Discovery phase two. Follow the steps outlined above to obtain this valuable rune and enhance your tanking abilities.
Thando Dlamini, a vivacious 22-year-old from South Africa, seamlessly blends her love for the vibrant world of online casinos with her meticulous localization skills, making the digital gaming experience truly South African.