Age of Empires is an award-winning Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game with a decorated legacy spanning over a decade. AoE is particularly identified by its strategic gameplay anchored on key historical civilizations. The title is spread across historical times, from the stone age era to modern times. Better yet, the series also captures some legendary creatures along with ancient mythology. While there is a lot to learn from the game, there is more to enjoy playing the game.
Age of Empires was first released on October 15, 1997. Ever since, the AoE brand has sold more than 15 million copies, making it one of the most popular titles in the RTS genre. The AoE series has been a force to reckon with in PC gaming over the last decade. While some video games employ some of AoE's mechanics, none matches the reputation and standing associated with the AoE.
The game's objective is to let players develop their civilization from a handful of hunters and gathers to form an expansive Iron Age empire. To secure a victory in the game, the player has to actively gather resources to play from newer buildings and employ advanced technologies. Similarly, resources must be used frugally as they tend to be scarce as the game unfolds.
Notably, the game has 12 civilizations, each with unique attributes. As the game unfolds, players have to advance through four stages. These include the Stone Age, Tool Age, Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. Each advancement in the game sees a player earn new technologies, weapons, and units.